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Global Peace Summit - Qatar
Doha, Qatar
Nov. 07, 2024

Palestine in Crisis: Exploring Solutions, Forging Solidarity

Islamabad, Pakistan
Oct. 03, 2024


Global Peace Summit is a platform that addresses crucial issues in the international community and reach their practical solutions through multilateral dialogue in the parliamentary format. It enables the representation of select nations, wherein they have the opportunity to engage in productive correspondence on various multifaceted issues standing in the way of global peace.

Global Peace Summit is a call to join hands together to establish peace and harmony in the world by combatting oppression. This forum invites change-makers across the globe to focus on resolving issues such as climate change, food and health crisis, social disparity, unemployment and poverty, illiteracy, illegal occupations, ethnic violence, refugee crisis, racism, and gender equality.

Our vision is to make Global Peace Summit the one forum on Earth that all the world’s nations can genuinely rely upon to discuss common problems and implement shared solutions that benefit all of humanity. 

Global Peace Summit

Global Peace Summit

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"The man of strong character who is master of himself
will find fortune complaisant."

Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal

Global Peace Summit _ Islamabad

Recent Speakers

Global Peace Summit envisions establishing the Global Peace Confederation, as an international body to facilitate the establishment of worldwide peace and prosperity through enhanced cooperation on human rights and social justice.

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Global Peace Summit

Scott Hastie, UK

I dedicate my poem that to this date has been sent to U.S. President Barack H. Obama...

Global Peace Summit

MC Simon, Romania

The Global Peace Summit a conference that unites people of

the world...

Global Peace Summit

Tom Ufert, USA

The Global Peace Summit is 

highly respected collection of international luminaries...

Be Yourself. Be the Revolution.

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